Now there are loads and loads of things you can do for charity and a lot sound either terrifying or downright dangerous. I am unbelievably impressed by anyone who can abseil down the side of a building, bungee jump or indeed throw themselves out of a plane. I am really not one of them…at least I don’t think I am, actually I’ve never been asked!
I am however frequently asked to do marathons and triathlons and have always scoffed at the thought of even attempting such a thing. But I had good reasons!
1. I am/was/tryingtonolongerbe so unfit.
2. I have asthma, which makes doing anything physical for long periods of time quite difficult and the thought of 26 miles whilst clutching my Ventalin inhaler sends me into a panic.
3. I only learnt how to ride a bike last year and still fall off quite often.
I can tell you a story about my bike riding. I wanted to be able to ride to work on a nice day. I wanted to be able to ride around the park wearing a floaty dress with a picnic in the front basket and a Scottie dog running along side of me. I wanted to be in Amsterdam by a canal being so very European. So I bought a Dutch bike. I bought it online and it looked perfect! Wicker basket? Check. Little bell? Check. Leather seat? Check. Scottie Dog? Well that could come later!
However, no one told me about frame sizes, that it would weigh a ton, that my feet wouldn't reach the floor, and that when I needed to stop I would fall off it sideways because it was so heavy. The last straw came as I was wobbling along the pavement trying to go round some people and a lamppost and I fell sideways into a parked taxi. No one tried to help me; they just looked at me like I was complete idiot. I traded the bloody bike for one a bit more Jessica sized not long after.
4. I'm a crap swimmer. I detested swimming as a child and only really liked to do backstroke which I don't think is allowed in a triathlon!
5. I'm scared. I'm scared of failing and I'm scared of letting people down. Being asked to represent a charity and to raise money for them is an honour and something I don't take lightly. Therefore my fear of being a huffing/puffing/asthma attacking/bikefallingoff wreck has always made me decline politely.
However I am working on it! Maybe this time next year I will be fit enough and confidant enough to take on the challenge of something as big as the London Marathon. But in the meantime I am looking for something I think I can complete and which will help a brilliant cause!
Almost on cue I'm asked if I'd like to take part in the 2011 Breast Cancer Care Pink Ribbon Walk and I delightedly said, yes! At some point in our lives unfortunately most of us will know someone or be someone who has experienced cancer and I'm no different so I think cancer research and care is very important.
As I do a bit of research about Breast Cancer Care I realise how much good work they do - everything from providing free care and support services across the UK, to online and telephone advice from nurses, and special lingerie evenings. It feels like this charity really thinks about women’s needs and tries hard to satisfy them and I feel very proud to be able to support them in any small way I can.
The walk itself is either a ten or twenty mile walk in various locations around the UK and I'm starting mine at Cholmondeley Castle on the 4th of June with fellow cast mate Alice Barlow. It looks to be a beautiful setting - I just hope the weather is good!
I've been told it’s about 2000 steps to the mile for the average person - with my little legs it’s probably a few more! So that means I'll be walking around 40, 000 steps….sounds a lot of steps and a long, long way! To get it into proportion I wear a pedometer for the day to see how many steps I take. I've also read I should walk about 10000 steps a day, so I end up running up and down the Price Slice set between takes to get the numbers up and Ashley quite rightly declares me bonkers! If I need to be able to walk forty thousand steps - I better start training!
If you fancy taking part you still can - men and women are welcome! You can sign up at https://www.secureweb-services.com/bccribbonwalk/ and if you can't take part you can sponsor me at www.justgiving.com/jessicafox
Many thanks if you do take the time to sponsor me - every penny counts and think of me on 4th June with my pink leg warmers on, striding out whilst humming that Proclaimers’s song. ..Hopefully just not in the pouring rain!
I'm glad they sorted you out with a bike the right size, what a nightmare.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with walking though, my parents used to drag me many miles as a teenager. Back then I was as skinny as a rake where as now into my 30's the weight is somewhat more apparent. Just getting out there and enjoying the fresh air is what it's all about. I shall be heading along to North Wales this coming weekend for a few days of exploring with the camera. It's good fitness in itself and the photos are an added bonus :)
You could always do a charity trek. I did 7 days in the Sahara desert in March late year and it was the best thing I've ever done! Seriously, it was amazing! And I'm a fat bloke!! We raised about £135,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support. This is who we went with:
And this year I'm going to the Grand Canyon and next year, the Rift Valley in Tanzania...!
It's worth looking into, you'll love it!
In the past year I've abseiled down the Liver Buildings and jumped out of a plane for Claire House Children's hospice...trouble is I'm now a bit of an adrenaline junky...Im already thinking up my next dare devil activity! Good luck with your walk...a great cause! ;)